Archive for the ‘Tango’ Category

Os-portable archiver (Windows, Linux). Features archive volume spanning, compression, authenticated encryption. Supports 7Z, 7-Zip sfx, ARJ, BZip2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, GZip, ISO, JAR, LHA, LZH, NSIS, OOo, PAQ, PEA, QUAD, RAR, RPM, split, TAR, Z, ZIP.

iColorFolder theme
by vertigosity

Tango, Tangerine, Industrial, Tango Gnome versions

Colored folder icons, primarily for iColorFolder, a program that slightly emulates the old MacOS-pre-X color label behavior.


Instructions: Extract the archive(s) to your iColorFolder skins directory, typically C:\Program Files\iColorFolder\skins, and select the skin in the iColorFolder skin selector.

Just posting a couple of new/missed for Tango Misc Icons

TV by vertigosity

Trillian by sranshaft

Cyberlink PowerDVD by EricJD

The whole updated pack:

Place in the skins subdirectory of Izarc installation folder.
In Izarc go: Options->Configuration->Toolbar and point tot the right file

Tango Desktop Project

If you like it just say thanks


Replaces the standard icons of Izarc with Tango Project icons
makes backup of old icons

Contains 2 versions
– Custom Icons (As on screenshot)
– Default package version (All icons are replaced by the same Default_package icon)

* The script assumes Izarc is installed in the default path of Program Files
in most cases: C:\Program Files\Izarc\
* If your copy of OpenOffice is installed in a different folder please edit the bat file with any notepad and change paths

Tango Desktop Project

If you like it just say thanks.